It's the unexpected that keeps things interesting. . .
I was doing a somewhat routine Google search of terms related to Trammel's Trace last week and starting getting unexpected hits. On beer. Micro-brewery beers. Named for historic places. Hmm....
Lost Prairie Wheat. Pecan Point Ale. Spanish Bluff Imperial Stout. A brewmaster who knows his northeast Texas history. Nice!
Needless to say, when my wife and I were in Texarkana on the way to a week off in Hot Springs, we HAD to stop in for lunch and see this place and hopefully meet the meister.
Bill Scurlock, President and Brewer, described himself a little like me. A come-lately to the local version of Texas history. We talked Sulphur Factory, Pecan Point, and Trammel's Trace before having a nice lunch with a Ciderita.
Bill and I agreed that his place would make a great place for a Bowie County book signing next year. He might even revive one of his brews. . . the Trammel's Trace Triple. Designated drivers will be available.
Click the photo above for more information about the Pecan Point Brewing Company. And enjoy.